McQuaig Mental Agility Test Practice Test

McQuaig Mental Agility Test

The McQuaig Mental Agility Test is often used in the recruitment process for jobs that require problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision making. The test consists of 50 questions to be completed within 15 minutes. The greatest challenge in this exam is that you have the clock ticking against you. Let's take a deeper look into what to expect on the test and some strategies to conquer it.

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What Is the McQuaig Mental Agility Test MMAT?

The McQuaig Mental Agility Test previously known as The McQuaig Occupational Test is a cognitive ability test used to assess an individual's individual's ability to think quickly and accurately. It is designed to measure an individual's verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and language abilities. The test is timed, usually contains multiple-choice questions, and can be taken online or as a paper test. The unique aspect of this test is that it consists of 50 questions to be completed in 15 minutes. This is a large quantity of questions to be completed in a short amount of time. The MMAT is an easy tool for future employers to assess a candidate's mental agility. Mental agility refers to the ability to think quickly and adapt to new situations and information. It includes elements such as flexibility, adaptability, and the ability to switch between tasks or thoughts easily. It is considered an integral skill for any new hire.

What Are the McQuaig Mental Agility Test Question Types?

The McQuaig Mental Agility Test is broken down into three main questions types. These include:

  1. Verbal reasoning (15 questions): These questions assess an individual's ability to understand and analyze written information, such as identifying relationships between words or concepts.
  2. Vocabulary (17 questions): These questions are designed to measure a person's vocabulary skills and ability to identify patterns and relationships within words. This section of the test typically includes a variety of question formats mostly verbal in nature, such as multiple choice, analogies, true/false, antonym/synonym, and matching.
  3. Numerical reasoning (18 questions): These questions assess an individual's ability to understand and analyze numerical information, such as basic math operations or data interpretation.

Free McQuaig Mental Agility Practice Test Questions, Answers and Explanations

Numerical Reasoning Ability Practice Questions, Answers, and Explanations

1. A bag contains 4 red, 5 blue and 6 green marbles. What is the probability of drawing a blue marble?

  1. ¼
  2. 7/12
  3. 4/7
Answer + explanation

The answer is C 1/3.

The probability of drawing a blue marble is 5/15 which is simplified to ⅓ (or 0.33). To calculate the probability of drawing a blue marble, you take the number of blue marbles (5) and divide it by the total number of marbles in the bag (4 red + 5 blue + 6 green = 15). So the probability of drawing a blue marble is 5/15.

2. A ladder is leaning against a wall, with the base of the ladder 6 feet away from the wall. The ladder is 15 feet long. How high up the wall does the ladder reach?

  1. 10
  2. 7
  3. 14
  4. 9
Answer + explanation

The answer is D. 9.

The ladder reaches 9 feet up the wall. To calculate this, you can use the Pythagorean theorem: c² = a² + b² where c is the hypotenuse, a is the horizontal distance (6 feet) and b is the vertical distance (15 feet). So c = sqrt(a² + b²) = sqrt(6² + 15²) = sqrt(36+225) = sqrt(261) = 16.12, therefore c = 9.

3. A train leaves station A at 8:00 am and travels at a constant speed to station B, which is 150 miles away. Another train leaves station B at 9:00 am and travels at a constant speed to station A. If the two trains meet at 10:00 am, what is the speed of each train?

  1. 50 mph and 100 mph
  2. 75 mph and 150 mph
  3. 100 mph and 120 mph
  4. 60 mph and 75 mph
Answer + explanation

The answer is B. 75 mph and 150 mph.

The speed of each train can be determined using the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

We know that the distance between the two stations is 150 miles and that the two trains meet at 10:00 am. We can use this information to find the speed of each train by working backwards from the point of collision. The first train leaves station A at 8:00 am and travels at a constant speed to station B, where it meets the second train at 10:00 am. Therefore, the time the first train takes to travel to station B is 10:00 am - 8:00 am = 2 hours. We can use this information to find the speed of the first train by plugging the values into the formula:

Speed of first train = 150 miles / 2 hours = 75 miles per hour

In the same way, the second train leaves station B at 9:00 am and meets the first train at 10:00 am. Therefore, the time the second train takes to travel to station A is 10:00 am - 9:00 am = 1 hour. We can use this information to find the speed of the second train by plugging the values into the formula:

Speed of second train = 150 miles / 1 hour = 150 miles per hour

So the speed of the first train is 75 mph and the speed of the second train is 150 mph.

McQuaig Mental Agility Verbal Practice Questions, Answers, and Explanations

1. Cat: Feline :: Dog: _____

  1. Canine
  2. Mammal
  3. Pet
  4. Carnivorous
Answer + explanation

The answer is CANINE.

This analogy is a type of word-pair analogy, in which two words are related in a specific way, and the test taker is asked to find a word that is related to the second word in the same way as the first word is related to the second.

In this analogy, "Cat" is related to "Feline" in the same way that "Dog" is related to "Canine". Both "Feline" and "Canine" are terms that describe a specific group or classification of animals. "Feline" refers to cats and other members of the cat family, while "Canine" refers to dogs and other members of the dog family.

2. What is the meaning of the word "perfidious"?

  1. Loyal
  2. Faithful
  3. Treacherous
  4. Honest
Answer + explanation

The answer is C. Treacherous.

The word "perfidious" is an adjective that describes a person or behavior that is deceitful or disloyal. It comes from the Latin word "perfidus" which means "faithless" or "treacherous".

"Loyal" and "faithful" describe the opposite of what "perfidious" implies, being honest is also not related to the word. "Treacherous" is the word that best describes the meaning of "perfidious", it means that a person or behavior is disloyal or deceitful and it's the closest match to the meaning of the word.

3. "What is the antonym of the word "ingenuous"?

Answer + explanation

The answer is C. Wily.

The word "ingenuous" is an adjective that describes a person or behavior that is naive, unsophisticated, or innocent. It comes from the Latin word "ingenuus" which means "native, natural, inborn"

"Artless" and "Guileless" also describe similar attributes as "ingenuous" does, being naive and unsophisticated. "Wily" means someone who is cunning, shrewd, or artful, which is the opposite of the meaning of ingenuous. "Cunning" is also a synonym of "wily" but not the antonym of "ingenuous".

McQuaig Mental Agility Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions, Answers, and Explanations

1. The company is looking for a highly _____ individual who can lead the team to success.

  1. Experienced
  2. Inexperienced
  3. Skilled
  4. Unskilled
Answer + explanation

The answer is A. Experienced.

The blank is filled with a word that describes someone who has a lot of experience in their field, and "experienced" is the best fit for that description.

2. According to a new study, drinking coffee may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

  1. Drinking coffee increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  2. Drinking coffee has no effect on the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  3. Drinking coffee may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  4. Drinking coffee causes type 2 diabetes.
Answer + explanation

The answer is C. Drinking coffee may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The statement is true according to the information given in the example. The study mentioned suggests that there is a correlation between drinking coffee and a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

3. In the following passage, select the statement that is false according to the information given.

Example: According to the article, the new technology will revolutionize the way we communicate.

  1. The new technology will not change the way we communicate.
  2. The new technology is not yet available for use.
  3. Many experts believe the new technology will revolutionize the way we communicate.
  4. The article does not mention any specific ways in which the new technology will change communication.
Answer + explanation

The answer is A. The new technology will not change the way we communicate.

The statement is false according to the information given in the example. The article states that the new technology will revolutionize the way we communicate, not that it will not change the way we communicate.

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How Is the McQuaig Mental Agility Test Scored?

Your score directly correlates to the number of correct answers you got. So if you receive a 30 that means you got 30/50 questions correct. The score is then translated into a percentile rank. The percentile rank is then reported to the employer, which shows how an individual's score compares to the scores of the norm group. For example, if an individual scores in the 80th percentile, it means that they scored better than 80% of the people in the norm group.

What Is Considered a Good Score on the MMAT?

Here is the breakdown of what your score means:

24 or lowerBelow average ability
25-37Average ability
38-45Above Average High Ability
46 or higherExceptionally High Ability

We recommend taking a practice McQuag Assessment to see where your score falls. You can take your score and see how you compare to other candidates. The average score of a candidate with a high school diploma was a 30. Those with a Bachelor's or Masters scored an average of 34 points. The more competitive positions will require a score of 46 or higher. The test scores of nearly 7000 candidates were gathered and this was there distribution:

Distribution Scores for McQuaig Mental Agility Test (MMAT)
Distribution Scores MMAT, source: the McQuaig Institute

Will I Lose Points for Guessing Incorrectly on the McQuaig Mental Agility Test?

There is NO penalty for guessing on the McQuaig Mental Agility Test. That means that even if you're unsure of the answer, it's still beneficial to make an educated guess. Since the test is scored based on the number of correct answers, you have the chance to earn points for every question you attempt, even if you don't know the answer for sure.

It's important to note that, since the test is timed, you should not spend too much time on any one question. If you find yourself stuck on a question, it's better to make an educated guess and move on to the next one.

The test allows you to skip questions and return to them. This allows you to devote more time to questions you have a better chance of getting correct.

Who Uses the McQuaig Test?

The McQuaig Test is used by a variety of companies and organizations to evaluate both new candidates and existing employees. It is used in a variety of industries and sectors, including human resources, recruitment, and talent management. Some companies who have been known to use this test include: Cafe Nero, Oxford University, BPP, ZOOPLA, Highland Spring, Mitie, and Perrys Motor Sales.

What Languages Can I Take the McQuaig Mental Agility Test in?

The McQuaigMental Agility Test is available in several languages, including English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, and more. The test is typically translated and adapted to meet the language and cultural requirements of the target population. The test is usually translated to match the language used in the industry or profession for which the test is being used for.

Can I Use a Calculator on the Mcquaig Mental Agility Test?

NO calculators or electronic devices are allowed on the test. You can use some scrap paper for calculations.

What Are Some Tips for Excelling on the McQuaig Mental Agility Test?

What is unique about the McQuaig Test is that you have the clock working against you. You need to complete 50 questions within a 15 minute time limit. That leaves about 18 seconds for each question. Take a look at these tips designed specifically for a test of this nature.

  1. Use the Clock as your friend: The McQuaig Mental Agility Test is only 15 minutes long, so it's important to manage your time effectively during the test. This means working wisely. If you take the test online you will see the clock on the screen. You are allowed to move freely through the questions. It is recommended to go through the questions and answer those you are confident you will get correct. Once you have done that you can go back to those questions which are harder for you.
  2. DO NOT SKIP ANY QUESTION: If you see the time running down. Make sure you answer every question even if it includes putting down a guess. You are not penalized for wrong answers.
  3. Read carefully: Make sure you understand the question before answering it. As you will likely be stressed about time you might be tempted to skimm questions. Don't go down that path. Your aim is to answer as many questions correctly. So, it is better off to go through the questions and answer them thoughtfully rather than reading all 50 quickly.
  4. Eliminate incorrect answers: As it is a multiple choice test you can use this to your advantage. If you are unsure of the answer, try to eliminate any obviously incorrect answer choices, which can increase your chances of guessing correctly.
  5. Be familiar with the test format: Knowing what to expect in terms of the types of questions, format and time constraints can help you feel more prepared and less nervous on test day. The best way to do that is to take a Practice McQuaig Test.

How Can I Prepare for the McQuaig Test?

It's important to note that the specific content and format of the MMAT can vary depending on the version of the test and the specific needs of the organization administering it. It is likely you will see a different severity in questions as you climb the ladder and apply for more senior positions. You might feel comfortable with the type of questions on the test, but, we still recommend practicing. The clock is there to work against you on this exam. Even the sharpest mind will have difficulty answering questions in the 18 second time frame. As answering questions speedily and correctly is the only way to succeed, we recommend practicing with TIMED Mental Agility Test Questions that are similar in format and content to the McQuaig Exam.

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